Friday, September 5, 2008

Promo Materials

Today I'm organizing my promo stuff. I have postcards with a free shipping code, stickers, magnets, business cards & etsy buttons with my URL. I'll be giving these away at the craft fairs I'm attending. I'm also sending some to other etsy sellers who put together etsy promo packs & hand them out at fairs & bazaars they attend.

If you'd like any of my wonderful goodies to hand out or to keep for yourself just let me know, I'd be happy to send some your way!

I'm not sure what my return on investment for these promo materials will be, but they sure are fun to have & hand out ;-) Like any girl who grew up in the eighties, I love my stickers & buttons, and of course I'm happy to trade!


Anonymous said...

I believe I am out of buttons, but have a few cards left....
I hope you get a good return on all your promo stuff. This is an excellent site.

Anonymous said...

Thats pretty cool how you are starting up your own business like that. I wish you the best of luck with that. I have friends how are doing the same thing. If you sent me some stickers then I would be happy to put them on some of my stuff. And of course if people asked me about the sticker I would let them know about you. Although I would like to know more about your company first so i don't look like a fool!

Julie said...

Give me (or Chels the courier girl) some and I'll hand stuff out at work. I should put your website on a memo I need to send out to everyone next week. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I could take a few business cards to pass out. If I pass them all out I will ask for more since you are conveniently located to me. Stickers & magnets are always cool. Like you a girl in the 80's I took pride in my sticker books. Those ruled ;-)! Thank you by the way for our magnets. I am hopeful your return on the promo investment turns out to be good.

Beck said...

Yay promos!! ;O) I'm all about spreading the felt up love! So glad you're back in Portland.